I saw him, who my heart desired and lusted,
Who had my heart skipping several beats,
Him whose appearance had me glued to my spot,
And who had me shamelessly staring at his body.
Him who had dreamy and beautiful silver eyes,
Whose ears were the perfect kind of beautiful.
Him who had a round nose, the kind I admired.
Who had lips that every lass wished a kiss.
Him whose sharp chin excellently brought out his features.

I saw him, who the society described as marred,
Whose character had even walls questioning morality.
Him who was so gutsy that wind could not oppose,
Who had the school authority on their heels.
Him who had the police departments keeping fit,
And who had enough wealth to buy freedom.
Whose company had mothers warning their young,
Despite being his Pappi and Momma’s boy.

But he was, who I’d day dreamed of,
Who I’d gladly trade my first kiss for nothing.
And with daily heated stares, he noticed me,
Just what every person in my place wished for.
He requested for moments each day,
The feelings that came with my acceptance,
Were overwhelming, too overwhelming.
And with my desperation paying off, I agreed.
He was bad, that I was aware.

Dares came with the ‘bad boy’s girl’ brand,
And along tagged several cigars,
Gang drills, shootouts, theft, bruises, wounds.
Day after day, lie after lie, realities changed,
And initiations became addictions.
Expensive drinks were what I’d consider tea.
With mating the obvious next,
And hangovers redefining the unknown.

Home was where he was,
And days were redefined for me.
Allowances were for gang drugs,
Assignments were for geeks,
Good end semester grades were bought,
And school was the longest shot.
The things I did for ‘love’ and popularity.

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