I Submit

Be mine, she had said,
I’ll be good, she had promised,
Allow me, she had requested,
Show me, she had demanded,
Hands off, she had commanded,
Eyes closed, she had whispered,
Trust me, she had pleaded,
And intoxicated by her,
I had sold myself.

I loved her too much to see it,
But she was the light of my life,
Even though she was the very darkness,
That strangled me in the day.
I loved her with all that I had,
But that was never enough,
So I let her take everything she wanted,
All she needed from me,
Because in my haze,
I thought maybe if she did,
Maybe if she took all of me,
She would love me like I loved her,
But it was never enough.

The count of times that I died,
Just to live for her,
Were innumerable,
But still, that wasn’t enough,
So I became her slave, her canvas,
The one thing she could use,
To make her beautiful paintings.
I didn’t mind because I,
I belonged to her,
Body, mind and soul, I was hers.

I loved the way she cut my skin,
Just to get enough blood for her canvas,
How she used my tears to perfect the painting,
And my sweat to make it make sense.
She loved me,
She didn’t hurt me, I swear,
She couldn’t.

There was something about her,
The stud in black and red,
Whose locks had been freed,
My dream girl,
The one I was willing to risk it all with,
Well, I did risk it all,
Only that it was a special risk,
The kind I shouldn’t have gone for,
A lesson I learned too late,
By the time I had senses,
I had become her slave,
This girl was my goddess.

I wasn’t hurting,
I was useful, to her.
I know she’d never acknowledge me in public,
But she was my mistress,
And I was gladly her captive.
It didn’t matter,
That the society watched her hurt me,
She truly didn’t mean to,
She said she loved me,
She loves me,
She didn’t mean to hurt me,
The scars healed anyway,
But I’ll still submit to her,
If ever she needs me,
I never submitted to anyone,
But I did submit to her,
That beautiful stud.

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