Dear Kenya, this is for you,
Just because my brother smokes,
He is not a bad person,
Maybe he does it to relax,
So please,
Don’t take him from us.
Just because my brother has dreadlocks,
He’s not a thief or a gangster,
He only grew his hair,
And styled it like the women do,
So please,
Don’t take him from us.
Just because my brother doesn’t own a suit,
Does not mean he hopeless and dangerous,
He has dreams too, even with his hustles,
So please,
Don’t take him from us.
Just because my brother is still out by curfew,
Does not make him a thief or a rebel,
He just got back from work,
So please,
Don’t take him from us.
Just because my brother is huge,
Does not make him bulletproof,
He is human too,
So please,
Don’t take him from us.
Don’t be too harsh on my brother,
Because he is different from others,
Everyone is different,
Just please,
Don’t take him from us.
Dear Kenya,
The brothers you kill/take away from us,
Are our families’ hope for tomorrow,
So please,
Don’t take them from us.