Maybe I did hope she was different,
Maybe I did want a version of her,
That the world always paid attention to,
Maybe I wanted her so bad,
It clouded my judgment of her,
But who was I to judge her really?
Maybe there were so many maybes,
But when I saw how unique she was,
I couldn’t help but fall in love with her even more.
She didn’t have to show me,
Because I knew,
I had made a good choice this time.
This girl was fire and ice,
Loud and quiet,
She knew when to be what and do what,
And honestly,
I loved that about her.
She balanced herself out,
In ways that even I couldn’t,
She was like the soul,
That I had always longed for,
And now that I finally had her within reach,
The world and their perception of her,
Wouldn’t be enough,
To stop me from going after her.
But maybe I was going in way above my head
Because just as I knocked on her door,
She slammed it on my face,
And sent me away,
Like some disposable clothes she was tired of.
She cast me away,
Just when I thought she loved me,
And maybe,
That was my first encounter with love.