
I looked in the mirror,
And there she was,
Shaken but still standing,
Dusty and rusty from life,
But still ranting out hope,
Full of scars but glowing with smiles,
Fight after fight,
But she didn’t lose sight of her dreams.

Maybe the stars were her limit,
Or the moon was her aim,
I can’t really tell,
But as long as the sun rose, she rose,
Do you want to call it strength?
Or maybe the power of a woman?

From my stand, I have no objection,
Strength is an understatement for what she had,
Like a pillar, she stood,
Trial after trial,
Tear after tear,
Fight after fight,
On some days her crown tilted but never fell.

You ask what kept her going?
What kept her crown on her head?
My answer would simply be her roots,
Her roots ignited her,
Her roots reminded her that she was enough,
That she would always be enough.

In season and out of season,
In pain and in joy,
In good days and in bad days,
In riches and in poverty,
In health and in sickness,
Her roots whispered she was enough,
And that kept her going.

To be enough was her only motivation,
In a world full of demotivation,
And from where I stand,
I see her reflection,
I see the art of perfection,
I see her,
And she is Enough,
And she is me.

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