Let’s set the scene
11,12,13, those darn teenage years
A mirror, something to look into
“When will I be enough?” A silent question
Your reflection is blurry, the tears are running
“Here we go again,” you wipe away the tears angrily
I don’t want to be the awkward girl
I don’t want to be invisible
I am so much more than what people care to see
A deep breath, no one needs to see these tears
Your reflection is clear, your practiced smile is in place
All this is trivial, it could be worse
I know, I’ve always known
It is a flaw that I care,
That I feel, and that I wish to belong
I’ll grow up, I’ll get over it
I did grow up, I didn’t get over it
I built walls, indomitable ones
Fortresses around my heart
Now I’m in my twenties
And for the life of me
I am always running
From friendships, from love,
From connection I have made a home in being alone
It is safe, it is familiar,
It is all I have known