
I can’t remember silent nights,
All I remember are his fights,
His fits, his hits,
That’s all I remember,
That’s all I know now,

Every day by his side,
Feels like April fool’s day,
He has everyone fooled,
To the world, he is a good man,
He is the man in every girl’s dream,

But to my world,
He is the monster that scares me,
The pain that gives me shivers,
I wish my scars would speak,

I wish they would say it,
Maybe then everyone would believe,
Maybe they would see what I see in him,
They would hear my pain,

Feel my pain,
My vows bind me to him,
My culture forbids my departure,
But my ruptured heart can’t take more,
The council of Elders sees perfection in him,

No one sees him for him,
No one hears my words,
No one understands my scars,
If only the council would hear,

They would cancel my bond,
And counsel my broken mind,
Free my bondage,
Free me from pain.

But no one listens,
No one hears,
Only my body hears my pain,
Only my broken heart bears it all.

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