I once said
I did not want a display
If ever someone proposed
The eager hopeful stares from strangers
The man on bended knee brimming with expectation
The performance of it all
I mentioned this in passing
To all the maybes that came before you
I should have said something sooner
That everything was going too fast,
That we needed more time
More time…
You are always in a hurry
To meet deadlines, to meet family
I appreciate the effort, I really do
I meant more time for us
To share secret smiles,
To clash, to discover us
I do not feel like I know you
The you that is behind your sharp focused gaze
The you that I would have
To live and share a life with
These are all the things I wish I had said
Whispered into your ear before tonight
I did not and therefore here we are;
At the crescendo of no or yes
There are so many unanswered questions,
Unasked questions
Because of all these,
I cannot, I won’t