Dear Sweetheart
I have not been well since you I let it out,
My heart still beats so fast,
Yes, so fast after my confession,
Alot of quizzes in my mind,
Did I do the right thing?
How did you take it?
Do I look like a fool?
Yes, at some point I am,
Because I approached you first,
I loved you first,
Everything seems first and fast,
Did I say it right?
Are you ready to be mine?
I want you by my side,
I want us to have good times together,
Making permanent moments and memories,
You are very handsome
More than I ever saw in this world,
I have never seen a man with the sweet smile,
When you smile every woman will want to be with you,
Don’t think that I am flirting but it is the truth,
Can you be my Mr M?
This is From My Heart to Yours.
Faima Ibrahim.