My King!
Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth
For your love is more delightful than wine
Your name is like perfume poured out
No wonder women fall for you!
No wonder they adore and beg for your love.
How handsome you are my love
Your eyes are like doves by the water streams, mounted like jewels
Your body is like polished ivory, decorated with sapphires.
Charming is the word!
For your smile sparkles my heart.
You’re like an apple tree among the trees of the forest.
Where all the birds get their daily bread,
For your fruits are sweet to taste!
The rains are here with us
A time to cuddle with you love
To hear your sweet voice
And see your cute face, away from this daughters of Jezebel
You are my love! The one my heart wants
So radiant and ruddy
Outstanding among all men
The king of my heart!