Love Hues

She moved closer and hooked her arms around his neck.
A sigh of contentment escaped her lips;
A silent admission that he was enough for her.
That for him, she was willing to abandon the dark side.
For him,
She was not hesitant to take that step.

She snaked her arms around his waist.
With her head resting on his chest,
She took in his familiar and intoxicating scent ;
Silently listening to the rhythmic thumping of his heart.
The thumping that reminded her that she was of importance.
A reminder that her existence mattered.

Her lips curled up in a beam.
The kind that was pure and unsullied.
She gazed up into his orbs and saw a reflection of herself.
Within them,
She saw the redemption that she’d always craved for.
Within them,
She saw the light that gave her strength.

His eyes flickered with indulgence for her.
Most importantly, they glinted with the most beautiful shades of love.
A new journey had begun,
Not just for her but for him too.
He smiled at her.
His smile;
A silent vow to forever heart her.
A promise to be the best partner.

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