A Broken Diamond

So beautiful of a diamond she was –
So powerful the storm came.
The storm waited, admiring the diamond’s beauty.
She trusted and followed the storm…
And it washed her away, without looking back.
The diamond, for the first time, shredded to pieces.

Broken and bruised, she becomes blind.
The truth is blurry, depression is coming.
Life uncertain; death, maybe.
“For, what is a jewel to pigs? ”
With no way to tell her stories, doom is inevitable.
Like a sad tale, it all comes crashing down.

Stitching a jewel back is almost impossible.
With every memory, a breakdown is assured.
A diamond once strong and firm,
Now vulnerable to every word.
She’s got a story to tell –
A story of love and loss, and a broken and bruised soul.

Of a tiny canoe, trapped in the middle of the ocean.
Turbulent winds arise, and Sea creatures torment.
It’s rider, desperate to see a new day.
Wanting to turn around and give up –
The tides unfriendly, the waves threatening.

Look to the sky, dear rider, for hope lies.
Waiting, smiling for her name to be called.
Faith stands at the end of the sea,
Drawing her hands, waiting to be seen.
The rider thought he could keep going –
He sank deeper and deeper into oblivion.

Finally, he looks up at the sky,
He calls her name, and hope comes to him.
He draws on Faith’s ever-stretching arms.
The waves may be turbulent,
The creatures may be unfriendly –
He doesn’t care anymore; He can only see a calm weather
He can finally see a new day ahead.

The time may run slowly, imprisoning hope.
Beliefs may drop low, exposing doubts.
But, dear diamond, this is your time to grow.
To build yourself bigger and stronger –
Resistant to the many hardships.
And behold, a new day lies ahead.

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