My Heart

I became your follower, the moment I saw you,
I became your shadow, I stocked you,
My dry heart had started feeling warmth,
My hopes flourished, my heartbeat raced,
You had killed me, in a good way.

My eyes never cease loitering the crowd,
I had to spot you, my heart needed to see you,
To watch you smile, laugh, talk,
I felt for my heart, it was drowning,
I was sinking in the beauty of a stranger.

Every evening, I sat on my couch wondering,
How will I win your heart when I don’t know you,
Though you were familiar to my heart,
My mind seemed to think otherwise,
Nevertheless, I had to please my heart.

I fought for my heart, I became close to you,
When we talked for the first time, I felt at ease,
My dreams have become a reality,
My heart is passionately glowing with love,
My heart is pleased, it’s at home.

The best feeling is being loved,
And finding love isn’t easy,
I was glad to know you noticed me,
And I rest my case, you hold the cards,
I can only say, I love you.

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