Four Bars And Some More

Four bars, and some more
I was told when you turned four this
I was told when you took your first step
I was told when you joined school
I was told when you graduated.
I was also told of when you needed a new heart
Because yours was failing.

I can almost taste the metal bars I look through every day
That keep me away from you.
Just like I know the feel of your hair
From the first time I held you.

You’re still young, but someday I hope you understand
That I fought for my innocence and for you too
That I pled not guilty because I didn’t kill because I wanted to
I killed because I had to bear that burden
So you wouldn’t.

Cause in the end you would have, you know
If he had made it out alive that night,
I don’t think the cycle would have stopped.
I didn’t mean to rid you of your father
I had a bad day, I got caught in the moment
And I ended up in prison.

There’s no other way to put this.
I do love you. Ju st that I couldn’t let him harm you that night
The prison that’s turned into my home for the past twenty years
Will someday be behind me, but when that time comes

Will you look at me like your mother
Will I deserve your love? Will I be someone you can accept
Will the weight in my heart wash away when we meet
Will I have a second chance at love with you,
Cause I need it.

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