An epitome of beauty she was
It was not just about her looks also her brains
I enjoyed how easy it was to talk with her
There was something about her voice
Often wondered the sound of her moans in my ears
As addictive as our conversations were
So did her calm aura
Her body was just a master piece of art
I didn’t know how having her by my side would feel like
Until she touched me with a touch and a half
The feeling was just sensational
I hadn’t been touched like that by anyone until she did
The burning desire within l could not place
The tips of her nails played me like a guitar
My entire body danced to her rhythmic touch
Was it in circles?up and down?soft and delicate?
I was lost in the feeling
So l kept on dancing
She was the sexy kind of wild
My exact type if you ask me
I wanted her to be mine
I loved her with everything within
When l got to step into her world of touches
I let her touches lead me to her heart
Then made her mine