Weaker Me

I’m weak before you,
Your voice melts my heart,
You make my passion gather,
I fall in love with you again and again,
I’m ever thrilled when around you,
In your eyes, I see the weaker me.

Our qualms bring me closer to you,
You’re the dove that brings me peace,
Your words design and fashion me,
Like the art gallery, you glow in my heart,
I never knew I could be this weak,
In your smile, I feel the weaker me.

Until I met you, I was a gamer,
A gamer with no hopes of loving,
I was full of instilled rage,
The rage from many heartbreaks,
I gave up, I knew I was no longer weak,
But in your words, I heard the weaker me.

When I saw you, my heart palpitated with joy,
My weakness uniquely resumed,
Something was different, my heart glowed,
Your motion was my Disney World,
I fell in love on that strangely beautiful street,
There you were, a priceless gift sent my way.

Being weaker was a flaw, at least to me,
I was determined not to be its victim,
You came and made me one of them,
It was good, a flaw that brought me joy,
And it made you my one-in-a-million,
Cause, I only see the weaker me in you.

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