Where do broken hearts go?
I have given you days, weeks
And years to think of this
You don’t think
You float in a maze, full of self-righteous indignation
Unaware of the damage
I will tell you:
Broken hearts go to the head, body, and heart
Turning into a loud and angry malaise
That refuses to heal
With prayers and extensive baths
There is no cure for the anger
Because why didn’t you let me be a child?
Didn’t you notice that I was a child?
Deserving of love, deserving of protection
All deserving of an ear
You watch me destroy myself in the anger
Retorting that I am grown and badly mannered
Yet, you don’t see the pain
The anger inflicted upon a child
Poor and helpless
Marred in carelessness
I keep on destroying myself
You keep on watching
Wondering who will save me from this unending pain!!!