In That Dark Room

It was one of those days again;
Nothing felt right,
In that dark room,
Everything felt throttling,
Pain fed on her essence,
Till she fell short of breath.

In the dark room,
She curled; alone,
Scared to show herself to the world,
Scared that they would see through her marred soul,
Oblivious to the world around,
Warmth felt damp,
Other’s proximity felt like a cage.

In the dark room,
Full of mistrust,
Lost and forlorn,
Like a wounded cub,
She detested human touch,
Every time, it reminded her of her childhood;
His despicable hands and lips on her body,
Insecure and wary,
She was silently breaking and hurting alone.

She longed for an end,
To the sufferings from within,
From all the cracks on her soul,
That reminded her of her silent battles,
Of recognizing herself,
After being dirtied by his eerie touch,
And screamed of hidden bleeding stabs.
From his heartless words; “no one would ever come to your rescue.”

From their concern, she assumed insincerity,
She wished to love them as well,
But the wariness within her,
Made her aloof and distant.
How could she not,
When she had been tainted to that extent?

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