It was how she held on tight,
How she kept me close to her sight,
It was not just my fight, it was our fight,
Her effort ignited my hope for light,
Her love glowed bright,
Not by day but through years,
Through the years of tears,
She was my shoulder,
Through the fears,
She was my holder,
Through the rejection, she was my embrace,
I found acceptance in her eyes,
Days were rough and tough,
But my side she stood,
My status was strange, they said,
She didn’t change,
The virus deep in my flow,
But it dim her glow,
It was a virus, but she was the antidote,
My tag was imperfection,
An item of rejection,
A vessel of discrimination,
A name not worth recognition,
But there she was, unshaken by the words,
I was her world and she was mine.