I ran faster, the world slowly passing behind me
he was almost worn out now, his heartbeat even more and more rapid by the second,
I could taste his fear, felt him get weaker, grabbed him just as he almost tripped
Pinning him against a tree, I look into his eyes
terror and loathing emanated off of him,
he was scared of me, his eyes glaring
right into mine, they accused me, begged me, wanted me.
I was easily creaming my panties as I thought of his rock hard manhood plunging deep inside me,
he pulled me to him ever so roughly sticking his tongue deep into my mouth,
despite the rain I could still catch the scent of his skin, intoxicating…
but not as much as that of his blood, I found myself nibbling at his neck as he ravaged me like a god that needed pounding
turning me around, he takes me from behind
my delicate breasts brushing against the bark of the tree, harder and more orgasmic with every other thrust,
he fucked me like he knew it was the last thing he ever did, wildly passionate with a tinge of anger
falling in the wet earth with his back, pulling me down with him,
as I rode him, I looked into those eyes again
so blatantly burning with desire, they sought to reach for my soul
as we both reached for that climax
I tore his heart out, swallowing it whole, and
as I watch the life slip out of him, I cum as a dam would flow were one of its walls brought down.
Success, or rather; pain, terror death.
so I quench my thirst, I deserve it.
It was a goodnight.

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