I breath and breath.
I sleep and sleep.
I eat and eat and eat.
Just like you.I walk and talk.
I live and love.
I read ,lead and weed.
Just like you.

I know how much it feels.
I know how much it pains.
I know how much it means.
Not to be loved.

I know how lonely,
How stressed and lowly,
How lost and emotional it’s like,
To be talked of.

Have you tasted ignorance?
Have you ever missed a pass?
Have you ever lost a chance?
Just because of your status!

Have you ever lost friends?
Separated from family,
Dismissed from groups,
Just because you were positive!

We’ve had all the says and actions.
None makes complete sense.
We are not different from you.
We are one and the same.

Most of you are poisonous.
Not exactly like HIV and AIDS might be.
But you destroy more than we do.
And you realize just how much good you miss.

We are literate and careful,

We are also sweet and truthful,
We also bear good and beautiful,
We might be different but all the same loving and faithful.

Some might fight back as a result of anger.
Some may spread more as a sign of vengeance.
But always remember that just one step away from the talk and walks,
Just a slight move, can make all the difference the world has always wanted.

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