Windows shattered, broken
glass all over the place,
A trickle of blood rollIng
down my face,
Faint sirens heard from afar,
My heart pounding hard, my
Vision blurred, my mind
Jumbled. What has just
happened? I ask,

Shaking frantically, I peer down,
and in my hand is a smoking
gun, to drop or not to drop,
I can’t seem to decide,

Women whimpering their faces
buried in their hands, men in awe,
all too freightened to flight. What has
just transpired?

A body is sprawled on the
floor, lifeless in all ways,
the skin turned pale white, the
eyes wide open with a dark cold
blank stare , white froth with
the stench of death pouring out
the mouth. What has just Happened?

The petrified room is cut from
the reins of fear,
Not cuffs on my hands but
pats on my shouder await.
I was a hero, I had just saved
everyone from an armed robber,
It all came back in a spurt.

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