Through stretched tunnels,
Through raving storms,
Through thick and thin,
Down the bumpy road,
Down the highway,
Up hill, down hill, You’ve stuck
with me, you’ve Had my back,

Our friendship is like the fresh leaves
that comes out in fall, flowers that blossom
in spring, the warm rain drops of april, the
Warm breeze that floats in summer,
The brightest star in the night sky, the
everlasting sun with the immortal promise
of tomorrow,

When my heart was wrecking
you soothed me with your thoughtful
words, You’ve seen me at my worst,
seen me at my best, you’ve
never Judged me but understood me,

Sailed the seven seas,
climbed the highest mountain,
journeyed to the deepest wilderness,
and I haven’t seen anything like you,
Billlions of people walk the earth, but
You stand out,

We’ve been each other’s pillar,
been each other’s strengths,
walked each other through dark times,
laughed our lungs out in fun times,
seasons have changed, years have passed,
We are still here, still growing strong,

I know I might not say it oftenly,
but am so blessed to have you
in my life, am so blessed to have
someone to call an whine about
anything, am so blessed
to have someone to join me
In the array of crazy endevaours,

I swear, I solemnly swear, in the
blistering cold, in the sizzling sun,
whenever you call, I’ll come faster
than the wind blows, I’ll be there my
twin, count on me, am Just a breathe,
a blink away,It’s you and I against the
freaking world,

T oday, I’d like you to know
A m gladden we share this
B eautiful friendship, it’s distinct, a
O ne of kind,
I t’s what a girl like me needs to go by,

J oy and Joan for life. The
O ne team I’d pick, the one team I’d stick,
A lways and forever, wherever and whenever,
Need not to be said, but I got you, like you got me.

Love Joy Kemei (JoJo for Life)

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