The bulge in his pants had me staring, hard just alike. It was one of those Friday nights you go out hoping to make some reckless decisions, drink your liver to threads and sin so very daringly the devil would think twice before taking your soul. Most of the week had already brought me to my knees I felt so cornered I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to drink myself to death or even better add a couple joints to it. It had been a while since I’d had myself some action, three years to be precise, I always felt scared, coming from my small village of Emukhaba, I never learned anything more than just the simple ways to getting off easily, I actually believed that these city people did it differently, maybe. So I stayed away, abstinence they call it. Until this night, today I felt ready, I wanted the stranger across the room to just take me like an animal, though at this point I wasn’t really sure if I was sober enough to make such decisions, but I could feel it all, I felt my mind wrap around him in yearn for a taste of his lips, my cunt struggling to breathe under the heat I was in, I throw him a coy smile as I slowly bite off my bottom lip, now he appears more confident than the hidden begging pup he was a moment ago. Crossing over to my side, he orders another round of drinks.
I take my time to look at him, really look at him, but not for his beauty, I just wanted that assurance of a strong and willful man, like the rough men from my village, but one from the city.
Fault wasn’t a strange thing with any person, but he had none, it was as if he was built to mirror the exact idea of the man I wanted, strange huh? But hey, you ain’t telling me I was gonna skip a dance till morning with that guy, I was already thinking of it all.
I imagined how he would have torn off my clothes from me and threw them away, kissed me hungrily with a yearn for my already moist vagina, I could feel his big hands groping for my breasts and as he pinned me on a wall and against his body, lift me up to his waist and just plunged inside me, I almost moaned at the thought of the feel of his strokes, from the imprint against his pants I knew they ought to have been powerful. I imagined that same dick inside my mouth, sucking at it like a kid with their candy, or maybe the opposite, just him burying his tongue deep inside me till I let those dams flow. Take me apart in all the positions I had seen in those porn websites, I know some looked dangerous, and I wanted it even more, I felt like a nasty city kid, today would be one of the many nights I enjoyed, I tell myself.
A few hours later, after a series or two of drunken drama, my lover and I leave the club and he calls an uber, as we wait beside the road in that cold night, I get a feeling of disgust and shame through me, like a puff of wind just blew by and took all my gut away, my trance broken by a tap on my shoulders that startles me, if I knew what was waiting for me, I never would have stood so close to the edge of the road, heck I would have stayed home and cried to sleep.
What irony? Like a song that gives it all and takes it all away on that perfect high.