S hout out, break free from the shackles,
A id, is what earth needs,
V oices are heard louder in unison,
E arth is wrecking!

E ndless and pointless wars are raging,
A rmageddon is upon us,
R ight from time memorial, it wasn’t causality
T he reason of our demise, but our actions,
H ue and cry, when ship sink, we go right down,

The earth is weeping,
How are you not hearing?
The earth is tearing,
How are you not seeing?

Polar ice melting,
Drought plaguing,
Floods, tsunami and hurricanes hitting,
Forests up in flames, burning,

Oceans littered,
Diseases and famine wide spread,
Millions of souls claimed,
Children orphaned,
Families yanked asunder,

All we’ve come to know is catastrophe,
That’s the saddening philosophy,
The deaths we suffer absurdities,
Let’s act, climate change is a reality.

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