To be told the truth
If she tells you tight from her mouth
You’ll know she is right
She didn’t ask you to sacrifice all that
It’s just that this feeling
Something crazy in the land of the living
Even though she thanked you for everything
No one asked you to sacrifice it
She just said it
That marriage isn’t in the equation
And she is right bro
That’s her thinking and freedom too
You had that future lined up for you two
But you didn’t ask what she is up to
She is too young for marriage
All she wants is fun
Not the world you gave her
Not the decisions you did for your future
But now it’s haunting you
Am sorry bro, I know its painful
We all make mistakes yes
But do we really take time to think
We follow our hearts desire
I know you tried making her happy
But all she wanted was fun
And now she downed your idea of marriage
Don’t just kill yourself bro
You became wise,
So you’ll never make such decisions
Especially when your heart is merrying