I watched her give up each day,
I was there when her world crumbled,
When the tough tides rumbled her,
But I also watched her try to smile,
She fought through every mile,
I watched pain wipe her smile,
I saw it drown her,
But I also watched her warrior up,
I watched her fight the depression,
In her eyes I saw hope,
Hope for restoration,
She rose in her crippled days,
She held on to hope through each step,
She embraced her scars,
Turned her pain to strength,
Wore a crown of new beginning,
She rose,
Determination was her new tag,
She embraced hope as her swag,
I saw her pick her broken pieces,
Bit by bit,
She rose,
She found her ground,
She glowed like the star she was,
Her transformation was my strength,
She was the shadow I wanted to follow,
She was an iron woman.