Dear me, myself and I,

Hi. How are you doing? It’s been a while since we last talked. I know that you’ve been busy but there’s quite a bit I need to tell you… Things that I’ve learnt on this odd road of life…

One… It’s OK to make mistakes. It’s OK that these mistakes may have been as a result of you not listening or being foolish. What’s not ok is to wallow in the mistakes you’ve made. What’s not ok is to not gain anything from the mistakes you’ve made. You should strive to always learn something from every experience in your life… Even if they are mistakes. A life without mistakes would be but a well rehearsed play.

Two… Forgive yourself and let go of the guilt. Sometimes you may do or say something or make a choice that makes you feel like you’ve done the unforgivable. Forgiveness is hard… Even harder when it is you that has to forgive you. Guilt is a ridiculously heavy burden. And it only gets heavier the longer you drag it around with you. It may consume you to the point where you are unable to move on with you life. It keeps dragging you back into the shadowy battlefields of your past… Never letting you forget yet never letting you move on. But here’s the thing, those battlefields are in your past…. Don’t drag them with you in your present. Forgiveness is the only way to let go of the guilt. Make peace and accept what happened to you. Then, accept and own the choices you made. Accept what was and what could never be and don’t kill yourself with what ifs. Appreciate what you gained from it… And if nothing else…accept that you are still here…and appreciate that fact. With acceptance… Comes the strength to forgive and let go…

Three… Do you, for you, by you. In this world that we live in, there’s a lot of pressure to be a certain way and to look a certain way. Those pressures can be brutal but you have to realize… Half of what society shows you is a lie and the other half is a mask carefully cultured to only show the polished and shiny veneer of the people. Underneath that is a society that festers and rots with shattered dreams, lost hopes and broken people. Always be true yourself and the principles and morals you have. It may be difficult and sometimes you may look foolish but for your sake…. Do something not  because it was what was required of you but because it was something you wanted to do. Conforming due to external pressure will result in you being used and broken by a society that does not give a damn. Be yourself no matter how hard that may seem.. At the end of the day… You only got you. And you darling, are will always be more than enough for you.


Finally… Love yourself. Love yourself first before you can go on loving others. You know… You cannot give something you do not have. Love and cherish yourself. Love your flaws. Love your good, your bad and your horrible. Love your strengths and your weaknesses. You are the only one who knows what you’ve been through to get where you are. You are the only one who knows the many tears you’ve shed and the many more that dripped down inside you and watered your soul. Only you know when you were whole.. Glittering like fine crystal and only you know when all that held you together was tape and prayer to whatever higher being was listening. Only you know the deepest whispers of your mind and hopes and dreams hidden in the darkest facets of your soul. It is said that the darkest night comes before the dawn. In that cold darkness, everyone may leave you… Including your shadow… But you will never leave you. So love yourself no matter how hard that may be because it is from this love of self that you will learn to accept, forgive yourself and finally be free to be you.

I know it may be difficult to heed what I’ve written but if nothing else… Know that you are dearly beloved. And maybe one day… Well, we’ll meet and raise a toast.

A toast to us.

Yours now till the very end,
Me, myself and I


Gihihi ?

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