I write from a bruised heart,
I write of the days of my hurt,
A pen to pin the art,
The art of my life part,
I tell it as a story,
Because He forgave me,
And made it my history,
I brought to Him a broken part,
And He fixed it,
A wounded child I stood,
And He embraced,
A slave to depression,
And He gave me Freedom,
Life beat me down,
But He was my uplifting,
When I pushed to the dark,
When I lost my track,
He picked me up,
He loved me when none did,
He stayed when all left,
He heard my pain in my laugh,
Wiped my tears,
Tore down my fears,
To Him I bring a thankful heart,
For the unending love,
A God beyond imagination,
One who deserves at most adoration.
~ Nyakayu.