I love you, so much that it sucks, hurts and excites me,
All at the same time and I got no idea how to handle this.
I want to know how to, I really, really need to know,
But even I am not stupid enough to go unprepared,
Because I’m aware, I know this is a lost battle for me.
So I’ll just do this anyways, with the ideas crowding,
Crowding my brain without any standard formulation,
Funny thing is, I know I already lost, my sweet.
I was a goner for you long before my orbs met your lips,
And my brown eyes got to meet your fierce dark ones,
To see the sexy and beastly beauty that lay within them,
Before my heart even realized it had been re-purposed,
Re-purposed to beat just for you and you alone my love.
Way long, before my lips had the courage to mate yours,
And my brain cells determined to have a taste over again.
I was a goner for you my love, and I wasn’t even aware.
I know I’ve termed so many writings to be very cliché,
But now I, I know it’s not, never was, and never been.
Every time I close my eyes to have my peace, I see you,
I feel your presence, and it so intoxicatingy perfect,
And maybe once or twice, I never want to wake up,
Because in my dreams, there’s never disturbances,
But I always have to snap out of them, my dreams,
Since you my love, are my perfect fantasy and reality.
There’s so many things I want to pen down for you,
Things that can only be felt first and noted later,
Things that only I and maybe you are aware of,
Things that have my whole body shaking in anxiety,
My brain’s hard drive hot from rerunning our sessions,
And my sanity holding onto you like it’s god.
But my pen’s run out, and the sand got swept away,
So I’ll just keep them, and relive the moments with you.
Y’know maybe feelings and love are overrated my sweet,
Maybe your lips on my skin will always ignite sparks,
Maybe you know just how far gone I am for you,
Maybe your touch will always have me yearning,
Maybe my fears and nightmares will go away soon,
Maybe they will because of you in my life sweetheart,
There’s always going to be a whole lot of maybe’s,
Only that my love for you will never be a maybe.
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