Life Chronicles episode 002

Do you know why I wrote this letter?

Because this is the bleeding pain

Flowing with uncontrolled tears

From a helpless soul

Sitting down on the shore

Looking at the wide ocean

Whose world is dark

I am not heartbroken

But my body is in pieces

My innocence is no more

What was good is now shameful

I just want to die, lie

My body was not just tortured

But my dreams were shuttered

My life was ruined

Poor 17 year old me

Raped by a father figure

A family friend

Before I die, I want to forget

Before I die I want to forgive

Before I die I want to heal

If I won’t find peace

I can’t live again

If I won’t heal

I shall die, lie

I want to die before the sun sets

I want to live again before the sun rises

I want to heal before I live

I want to heal

I want to live

YouTube: Fab Pepe

Instagram: Fab Pepe

Facebook: Fab Pepe

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