I am here, helpless soul
Neither with men nor angels
I’m here, wandering soul
Waiting for the days
I was to live in this world
Finally come to an end
So I can go back to my maker
And tell him my sad story
What was done to me
By whom He trusted to be my mama
But ended up aborting me
I am here, suffering soul
Just as she threw me away
When it rains, it rains on me
When it is cold, I’m in trouble
When the sun comes, I’m in trouble
I’m here, unclothed
Suffering soul
I am here, wailing soul
Watching my mama
Clubbing and partying
Enjoying all kinds of delicious food
Getting fatter and fatter
Enjoying life to the fullest
Because nobody comes out alive
I am here, wailing soul…
YouTube: Fab Pepe
Instagram: Fab Pepe