Tell me lover, I wanna know
I see the way you hold me
So very gently as if I was one with the noble
Yet so roughly like I was yours to own and gobble
I see how you gaze upon me
Your eyes filling with wonder and clear merriment
lust pouring blatantly with every word you utter from deep within
Your kisses true with severe passion
Sucking ferociously into your voluptuous arms
I see you fighting within yourself
Dared and scared by a heart so snare
Pulling deeper for those so very needed breaths
Resuscitating your weakening soul from every wicked graze
I see how so easily you rule a world you wish to own
How you eagerly yearn for those long talks by the night
Seeping on every word as if a branch yearning for its own roots
Stealing kisses, afraid each one might just be the last.

Tell me lover, is it love that has you trying so very hard to please a bark so hard
Or is it just lust that has you tracing my skin into affectionate annihilation every time you feel
Tell me lover, I wanna know
Is it love that has me melting so helplessly every time you call my name
Or is it just lust that has me wishing to tear through my own skin just for you to have me begging at my knees.

Tell me lover, I beg to know
What is it that has us scrambling every time it feels too real
Tell me why every time we burn up in that sparkle of drowning realms we always end up in different ones apart
Or maybe just why I feel that stutter within my chest every time I see your face
Tell me, should I yield to the unknown and lay it all down for you
Or should we keep on devouring on our bodies leaving our hearts bleeding down to our yearning souls?

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