it’s the youngest hours of growing night,So
You know;
am Coming home,
when i get home;
i know you don’t rush,
Be calm as you come closer,
As i close the door,
take charge gently,am now yours,
Take my hands in yours,
I know they feel abit piercy,
Squeeze them a little more anyway,
Pull me closer,
I know of a smell I emit,
Dispite,pull me closer
hug me tight,bind me in the comfort of your warmth,
Let your arms warmly lie on my back;just still
Don’t adjust,
I know my hair is not in order,
the odour; slightly of dump,
Don’t push away,
Clamp me tighter,
Still,until you feel my heart beat,
Lightly pull me off,
Hold on,
let me lie on your shoulder,
in a Lower tone,
inquire how my day was ?
Am still,
I will be quiet,
I slowly exhale with a deep Sob,
i won’t lie,by now
I am crying
Hold me tighter against your chest,
I know you won’t mind me
wetting your tea shirt,
I am catching up with my Breath,Slowly
Calming to a hault,
Pat me,let Me linger,
let me, lag a moment longer,
Grab my face and plant a kiss,
Soo deep, like my dry lips don’t look like rocks,
Look in my eyes, breaking the blocks of ice formed inside,Look
Like all they Scream are Flavours of sweet creams,
Like my unhappy face is an adorable glowy emoji,
Like all you still see in my eyes is an happy ever after,
I can see it in Your eyes,
So,i’ll say it Slowly
in a low tone,
I will tune my lips to a smile,
Cause it’s Sweetly effective that way;
“I Love you Too”
Poet Rays ?.