My soul was threatened today
Agony striking me I could barely think
My thoughts knocking crudely against my mushy brain
And my body was thrust towards the mystic gates
Flung severally against its oblivious weight
The ringing in my ears bringing me to my knees
My turning stomach serving my lunch soft and queasy
And for a moment just before my body caved
I felt the frosty bite of the unwelcoming land in sight

I woke up reeling and terror stricken
My body paralyzed in shock my pain reassuring me
So I backed to my knees, my heart a palpitating coup
I was so shook I could only wish for holy penance
Of my dancing with the devil in a bid to own a fight
My paintings of the kettle amidst my burning wood
And I trembled over and over, such fear I didn’t understand
My acceptance of the inevitable something I already signed off
My scares of the pains that tore through inch for inch
Its bile consuming the so self owned soul
Regrets bordering so much on the undone
Tears a wish I couldn’t cry for
So I hummed till I drew that lull

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