My clock stopped at three this morning
Everything around hang out lacking momentum
And I could see the angels flapping away
Their light ebbing in every one of their flutters
Till it was all dark and black with no place to turn
And I felt a shiver soar through me
So I closed my eyes and wished differently
Yet I could still see what lay before me
And his pull something I couldn’t resist
So I stepped closer and closer
Until his breath was the only thing I knew
And his skin an itch I yearned to nibble at
But he held me in the slightest embrace
Stepping playfully to that ominous melody
The illusion of loving care washing through me from his touch
My demons ecstatic, swaying from the very calmness of understanding
And in that moment of complete submergence
I felt the tears through my back
And he held me through it, humming softly of a calm wind
The pain growing with every other push
Until they were fully out
Wings, so unnaturally beautiful and light
So true as if I’d bared them forever
And I could feel my mind grow weary
My feet caving as I stumbled into that vortex
His goodbye? A feather light kiss of affection