Did I tell you
That I was to draw a plan B??
Ooh I wasn’t serious
There wasn’t any plan B
But I can’t stop you from being curious

Everywhere I walked it’s mercy I saw
If I was an artist it’s her I would draw
In her I didn’t see any flaw
To get her I could break any law

So on my way home
I met John on time
I told him the name
That’s making my brain lame
He laughed like he saw a funny meme

I told him
How serious I was
And how beautiful she was
How crazily in love I was
And how stupid I was

He said I was day dreaming
That it was weed I had been smoking
But it was my heart I was nursing
That had fallen willingly knowingly and without warning

So John asked
“Who the Mercy we’re talking about?”
And it was my phone I took out
I said “this is the lady making me do workout”
He was like “indeed she’s causing a blackout!”

I was like “will you help?”
He was like “with what?”
“Her number” I did yelp
“Yes your honor” he said removing his hat

Her number was a phone call away
So I told him “can we go play
FIFA if it’s okay?”
Because that’s how I could repay

Watch out for part 04

About the Author

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