There’s a reason why we have two eyes,
Two ears,
…And one mouth.
We are meant to be quick to see…
Quick to hear…
But slow to utter.
We are to measure our words
Before we give power to the tongue.
Such a tiny thing…
Yet it can bring down empires,
Rend nations,
Break civilizations.
Man knows its power well
Yet is not cautious of it.
Man seems to be afraid of silence,
Feels the need to fill it with words
Yet… There is power in silence.
Versatility in stillness
Understanding in muteness.
Silence gives time for consideration,
It gives time to weigh the options,
Provides the space to make a judgment.
Silence has many nuances,
Like finely aged wine…
It can be still as the hour before dawn.
Or loud like the thunder of a raging storm.
Silence may be the seething darkness of festering regrets,
Or the soothing light of joy and achievement.
Silence is elequonce
Silence is peace
Silence is strength
Silence is freedom
Silence is full..
yet it is empty,
It is everything…
Yet it is nothing.

Silence is what you want it to be… 

There is wisdom in silence
And there is no sin in silence



Gihihi ?

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