That pleasurable emotion of excitement and anticipation lasted a bit.
It unimpeded my darkened eyes and led me to this chit.
This lady always hummed a painful sweet ditty.

Today was my day as eight.
I was pretty informed that I’d be her perfect fit.
Even though everyone viewed me as a git.

I know I’m not a mensch because I don’t miss out on any rumours that hit
I followed so much but never pictured myself being her ite.
But there I was JIT at It.

I never really understood this sweetheart’s kit.
Someday she’d appear all lit.
While someday she wore a mitt.

Even though I was a poor nit.
I oftenly dug my own pit.
Even if it meant persuing a quit.

This sunny day was my right.
I led her swiftly to sit.
But what amazed me more is that she sat like a tit.

She knew that I’d visit.
She always wanted to listen to my wisdom and wit.
She accepted me with my zit.

I then realized why she hated old men.
Old bright men without brain.
Those bright men who only gave her pain.

She found love in my rigidity
Fun and jokes in my stupidity
She just found out I was her favourite city.

About the Author

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