Took a stroll down the rabbit hole,
On the meadow, in the depth of my soul,
It was beautiful,
The hues kept changing,
The features were ethereal,
Peculiar, yet scenic

I came in the flesh with my conscious,
A chill gripped me,
I gazed upon it with awe
For it had taken a form of a coy girl
With a double bun hairdo, fastened with
A multicolored ribbon,
When it, or she spoke, her voice resonated
Like the turning fork,
The words inconceivable,
By some means I was at au fait with,

I trotted further down, jumped over pebbles
Waded through the damp marshland of my awareness
I hummed an unheard of hymn that
I knew by heart
And little did I know of how
I was acquainted, nonetheless I did,.

I met hate, it took form of a rattlesnake
Black as coal, with an indistinguishable reek
Green venom was dripping off its deathly long
White fangs,
The poison sizzled and hissed upon hitting
The ground,
I was terror stricken except I understood, hate
Was a serpent, one is better off without it.


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