By Njeri Gachugu

Today the birds were more chirpy,
The sun shone brighter,
And the sky,
It has never been more blue and beautiful,
As its your birthday.
You deserve the world dear sister,
But for this special day,
I will shower you with a gift of words.
I love you so much for all that you have taught me,
All that you have protected me from,
And for the unending love you afford me each day.
You are my role model,
And there is no day that goes by,
That I don’t stand in awe of you.
Your strength,
Your spirit,
And your determination,
Is inspiring.
Am filled with ebbing and flowing gratitude,
That you are my elder sister because,
I don’t think I would have filled the shoes,
As perfectly as you have. May this birthday bring a new set of memories,
Blessings, laughter and love,
As you deserve it all my dear.
May I be forever there for you,
As you have been for me,
Because I want to see you rise,
Above all else in your dreams.
I wish for your smile,
To forever make the world a better place,
And as long as I live,
May I witness the world fall at your feet,
For the angel that you are!
Happy birthday dear.
May you grow old and toothless sister!

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