By Yuvaan

My pains!
My chains!
My Games!
My blames!

You knew it all!
Not even a spot you forgot to wipe out
Let alone my series of painful paintings
You always knew my perfect room for singing.

I remember our plays
So full of praise!
I couldn’t take a day without you sister
And that’s why you never missed in my call list!

My inspiration is you
My life seemed less important
Until I felt a different feel
Just like a fallen apple.

And this pain that it feels when it falls
Is the same I got and developed my boat
And now I can happily glide across life
Because you are my family, with you I got the strength to stay alive.

As much as you had pushed me up the ladder
I’d always come down for you
Those little portions of help in you always held my focus!
And even when I went wrong, you always defended us.

I’ve always wanted to be part of a ministry
That which my heart always
Yearned for
Not only has it been accepted by my own self but you too
And am glad am running the battle field of faith, just like you .

My deepest of thoughts will always have you
My sweet heart will always cherish you
Remember to pray for me
Because sometimes I might fail to see sister.

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