Been lying in bed a lot lately
Crying my eyes out I milk myself dry
And I don’t remember a lot of what I should nowadays
Castigated zombie I’m drained in my own shame
Because I won’t feel the same as they do about everything
And they want me sad for all the bad jokes I made
Hey I thought we only meant it when we said it behind our own backs
Or maybe real nowadays is left to be paraded in this music
That they all agree to like as they criticize anything they feel comes close to coaxing their true selves
So we all hide behind those facets that are held against us
Some blossoming, devious with claws, making loud statements now
And they say
‘I am a good person, look at me. Everyone likes me’
They don’t, but we still bent low smooching prats
Envious of the crown bearers, our egos fast at heart
Whispering of their foul acts, we cloth our shite with their fault
Pointing to them of our very creations, only for out dos in stifling perfections
I heard, purity was non existent for the human form
For I find myself a rotten mind, infested radically with torturous thoughts
Of murders and barbs that I craved to spew around
Tears and mops that I wished to pour out
But I laugh more than I used to before
Heck I laugh at everything that pokes at me
Except, I been parching my bolsters every other wake
Steeping in douches till its dark and late
I hear some of them cackle at my worstings
While seven grill my head for the morning burnings
Mocking and pointing at my human proclivities
And I know now
Here I did not belong, and I yearn to change that.