She was ensnared in the worst of places
Her demise served in phases
Creeping from the tinniest of places
To shroud and drag and lay in an abyss
Where hope withers and dies
Where angst blossoms
Where the lies told comeback in a spout to haunt
Where the demons in the closet skid out to daunt
She fought hard to keep aloft
Amidst all the loathe
That kept towing her so low
Her back was full of scars
Though her face radiant with a smile
She acted all sturdy
Except she was petite and fragile
She lived a lie
And was able to conceal it awfully well
So well that none was able to see through her to tell
When the truth was finally sprawled out on the open
She was no more than the winds that blow
She had joined the constellations we gaze
In a snap her life was lost in the haze
Found lain a pool of blood
Her wrists slit open
Drowned in a bathtub full of blood tainted roses
By her side was a note
A note that spelt out the most heart wrecking words.
PS: Watch out for Bleeding Heart of Gold III to find out what the note was saying
Meanwhile, Depression is real. Always try checking out on your friends. If one says he/she is okay, don’t take their word for it. Go an extra mile you never know, you might save a life.