Put on my robe and feel how uncomfortable I get when I have to fit my body into a gown that presses every inch of my skin. Put on my shoes and feel the struggles I go through having to cope up with one black pair which is not only small but it’s my only one come rain come sunshine. Lay on my bed for a while and feel those metal grills strike your body and toil to put your head in place as I don’t know the meaning of a luxurious bed.Live in my house for a single day and see how hard it is to share everything with everyone as all that is really mine are the filthy clothes lying on my uncemented floor.
Make a meal for you and for me using those three stones and see how many burns you’ll incur at the end of it all. Will you even eat food that is filled by a smoky taste? Will you drink tea that has more water than milk and has no sugar? Will you enjoy unspiced food as the only spice I know is salt? How will you live like a begger I am yet you’re used to living like a queen?
Take that jembe, put on those gumboots and put on gloves as well if you must , and go to that shamba cultivate what we will feed on the days to come.Get your own understanding of how it feels like to do manual work under the scorching sun or even under the stormy rain just to put a meal on my wooden table. Get to know why smooth hands are not a part of me. Why smelling sweat is a good thing for me. Why being covered in dirt gives me pleasure and contentment.
Make yourself look like a homeless person , get stung by those thorns that don’t penetrate my skin anymore, take the cattle for grazing and run all throughout as you prevent them from going to unrestricted areas to feed. Have the cows hate you because you are a stranger to them, learn how to millk, get kicked, be bruised and have a taste of the cow dung as those cows resist you.
Sleep very late at night as you reminisce on what will keep you in progress the next day and wake up early to go look for daily jobs that pay nothing more that a dollar per day. Put on the same clothes for over a month and feel how you’ll make your own type of cologne that you’ll never notice but others will.Go to the latrine with only some petals to act as your tissue. And tell me whether you still want to stay.
I’ve drowned and adapted into a hard lifestyle which is directly opposite from yours. I have learned to keep tears deep inside me . I’ve have learned to be own consoler, my own provider, my own supporter. I have learned to be a hardical.
It’s not poverty. It’s the gap between the fortune and the less fortunate. It’s how some of us have to toil to make our little dreams come true.Because for us, nothing comes on a silver platter. We were taught to only have, use or brag with what’s ours. And what’s ours is achieved the hard way.
If you feel like you can, I’ll squeeze my space and everything I have to accommodate you. If you feel like it’s too much, I’ll willingly let you go back to the city so you can continue being fed and pampered. I am striving to have a permanent. You already have a perfect.We are not the same
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Osprey Empire