Dawn creeps in as is its wont
It’s beautiful, it’s epic
The cool breeze blows away all sorrows
And every problem turns to pixie dust and floats away
For it’s a new day, and every weary soul gains new strength
But like always, sunset is yet to come
Another beautiful phenomenon
Which will leave the sky beautifully orange,
It will bring out the beautiful reflection of the tall trees
The blue hues of the ocean, transforming to something magical
And dusk gets an entirely warm welcome

Everyday I feel the weakness course through my body
Getting worse, each and every time I feel I am winning
The emptiness in my head echoes a lot
Making the silence feel so loud
I hate the drumming in my ears
My eyes can only see from within
For my mind is just but a tomb
Where my dead soul roams, wishing freedom from my captivity
I am a captive of my own identity

Maybe my mind has become an art, presenting projections for analysis
But no, this is an art from my mind, speaking out for my fading heart
My sunset is yet to come, not so long from now
Beaten, weary, out of time
Wishing for nothing more than the comfort
That which comes with cessation of a heartbeat

Down on my bending knees I go
Not for redemption, not for forgiveness
But from a far I see the orange orb of the sun
I feel the peaceful aura, I feel the breeze from the ocean
After eternity of soul searching, I finally see the finish line
Maybe I didn’t fail after all, I won my race
I see the end of the road, just one more push
And I will be the victor
A dying man’s last wish
That this piece not be visualized as suicide note
But rather a plea for euthanasia. # LUNAR

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