I hate cats,no, hate is a pretty strong word so I’ll just go with dislike. I have nothing against the green eyed creatures, on the contrary, I live with a cat lover. My roommate has a very weird habit of forming friendships with stray cats and the audacity to bring them to our house, some people are simply unbelievable?. And the cat walks around as if she just paid last month’s rent, totally ignoring my spite. If asked to choose, my roommate would definitely pick the cats over me in which case I’d say I’m not offended but honestly if it wasn’t for my fear of jail, I’d be in hand cuffs right now.

Forget the little story and take the lesson?, every single time someone says they are not offended, they are usually volcano angry, and it doesn’t matter whether you used their favorite mug or took their money, when it comes to people’s feelings, we don’t use the words trivial or petty, it’s an unwritten rule. You don’t get to say they overreacted because no one, absolutely no one gave you the authority to belittle other people’s feelings. If you think crying over a broken picture frame is childish, then take your maturity and go find the cure for corona?.

All I’m saying is let’s make the world a safe space for everyone, accept and support people exactly as they are and don’t try to fix them, don’t try to make them you. And if people snap, don’t take it personally, unless they are just being an ass, they’ve probably had an impossible day at work and you yelling at them because they oversalted the food isn’t helping. Do you know what could help? Making them a nice cup of tea and telling them they’re doing just fine, that tomorrow will be a better day.

And if you feel that life is moving too fast, take a step back to recharge. Don’t wait till you drop down to realize that no one is rushing you, there are no timelines in life so before anything else, take care of yourself. Do what you need to do to get your peace of mind, you totally need it.

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