Home, a familiar term to one and all
A place where one can lay down, and forget all the worries of the world
A place where one can find reprieve,
A place full of solace
Free from the mayhem of men
A place of peace
I have no home
Or at least nowhere to call home, not any more

I walk through the beaten path
Moving away from where I once called home, my home
No, I’m running
Along the path
I feel the glare, the piercing stare
Everyone looks at me in horror
As though I’m not of this world
The stench of their judgement, makes me wish myself a quick death
I wish tell them my story

The rag, you see me in
That was once a three piece suit
My eyes are red and sore, but no,
I am not drunk,
I am as sober as the day light
What you see on my foot
I know, a miserable excuse for a pair of shoes
Would you believe if I told you
That once upon a time
They were termed as Italian leather shoes, one of its own kind
My hair looks unkempt, but yes
I was at the barber’s this very morning
So don’t you judge me, for I have my tale to tell
At least everyone does

She did quite a number on me,
I am not weak in any way, for I was raised to be a gentle man
And raising a hand at a woman, that
A taboo, one from which there is no redemption
She twisted my insides out, and I’ve taken the beating
One too many times
Pain has been my portion
Suffering, a part and parcel

But to whom can I turn
I am a man, and expected to rule by the rod
So my fate, as they will tell me
Is my own doing
With whom can I share my horrific ordeal
Just the other day, she took my virginity from me
But wait, men have no virginity
Or so I heard
Who would even believe me
Men take care of men, I heard them say
But no, my story is one amusing joke

With the society so full of stereotypes
There is no place for us, weak men, men who value dignity, honor
So many yap about their knowledge of what I go through
But always writing pieces to protect the vulnerable gender
Nothing about us
So yes, I know I can’t share my tale
I have no shoulder to lean on
And my ordeal will have no end
Unending cycles of agonizing torture
Who will save thee? #LUNAR

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