Social justice and gender equality

Talk we, but allow we not

As we cannot compromise with

Our hegemony,

Our ego and hypocrisy

That men and women are equal,

But discriminate we,

Torture and torment them

Taking for women.


The woman

If she is not in the house

The house not a house

You will understand

When she will not be.


The woman a friend,

A partner,

A decorator, a beautician

An a newswoman,

A guide and a dramatic persona

Behind the curtain of the house,

All that is happening outward.


She the voice and spokesperson,

The mouthpiece

of a house, family

And business

In consultation with,

She the chairperson,

The madam.


Give her, giver the rights

Which are hers,

Give her, give her the rights

Which are her own,

Why to discriminate,

Discriminate and torture her?

Poetry in my veins ♥️


About the Author

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