When mama brought me into the world,
She told me,
Daughter, as you make your way through life
As you cut a path through time to find yourself
I ask you know your place in this world
Keep clear of their path
Them you see in pairs of pants
Whose faces are covered in hair
Stay away daughter
Them whose voices crack
Welcome to the apocalypse

And I asked, mama, but why?
Why the disparity, what makes them special
Mama, what makes them tick in a special way
Is it because I put on skirts?
Is it because my voice is as sweet as the whispers of the mountains
Mama, please do tell
Is it because I bleed every month?
Is it because my body is different?
If it is my long hair, tell me
I can make it short if you want

Hush my daughter,
Lest they hear you
The world is a cruel place
Not a place for a woman, a soft creature
We are aliens in our own home
Every scale weigh in their favor,
And for a long time it has been that way

But no mama
It doesn’t have to be that way
Who made them the keepers of the scales
The same pain I caused you,
Is that very one you experienced when bringing them
Into this very world
The air I breathe, is it so different from what they use
Tell me mama
My heart, like does theirs, works just fine
So you see,
They’re in no position to judge me
I am just like them. #LUNAR

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